• Sessions are usually scheduled weekly, and approximately 50 minutes.

  • I provide therapy to friends, adults in relationships with other adults, and couples. Sessions are usually scheduled weekly or biweekly, and last between 60-75 minutes.

  • As an active member of The Gender Affirming Letter Access Project, I provide free evaluations and assessments to folks seeking my services solely for this purpose.

  • Supervision and clinical consultation may be brief or ongoing, as needed. Appointments usually last between 45-60 minutes.

  • I offer uniquely tailored team consultations, trainings, and workshops for mental health providers and students, and those in the psy professions. I am also available for invited guest lectures and talks.

    I require that we meet for a (free) 30-minute planning meeting, prior to committing to work together.

    Typically, I do not provide trainings and workshops shorter than 3 hours. This is especially true when I am supporting predominately white, cis/het audiences in dismantling racism or when I am teaching about gender affirming models of care.

    (selected) Past Classes, Trainings, Workshops:

    -Careers in Psychology, Therapy, and Counseling

    -Creating an Inclusive & Affirming Classroom: Historical & Contemporary Experiences of Trans and Gender Nonbinary Communities

    -Critical Perspectives of “Allyship” in Healthcare Settings

    -Embodied Resistances: Size, Ability & Gender

    -Intersectional Approaches to Gender & Sexuality Affirming Care for QTBiPOC Communities

    -Intersectional Approaches to Trauma Informed Response in University Settings

    -Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex & Queer Psychology

    -Systemic Racism within clinical psychology institutions

    -Transnational Feminist Psychotherapy